Sunday, January 31, 2010

Returning to the Wonderful World of Blogging

After a 2+ year hiatus from my blog, I have decided to start blogging again. Those of you who enjoy (or stalk or make fun of) my facebook status updates about life with an infant -- get ready, because here comes a whole lot more!

I have recently spent a lot of time contemplating over how much I have changed in the 10+ months since Sam was born and concluded that a blog would be a helpful place for me to share my thoughts and connect with others who may be experiencing a similar time of transformation.

As I look back over my earlier blog entries (my volunteer trip to post-Katrina New Orleans in 2006, my 6 country post-bar trip in 2007), I'm amazed how different my life is now. What I would give to sleep in again!

As much as I miss some parts of my pre-mommy life (being able to leave the house without spending 30 minutes preparing and packing a zillion things) - I am continually surprised by how much I enjoy being a mom and how much I am totally in love with Sam. Sure, there are days when it's tough - who could possibly enjoy scrubbing a tub full of baby poop (especially for people like me who are "challenged" in the cleaning arena"). But, he is so much more fun, interactive, engaging, and exciting than I ever imagined.

I hope that this blog will become a great outlet for me to record the important happenings in the life of Sam and the Geller-Cheney household...especially since I have mostly neglected my "must write things down in the baby book" responsibility (despite my parents' reminders).

I welcome comments, thoughts, insight, and stories in the blog - so feel free to contribute and participate!

Happy blogging!

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I didn't even know you had a blog!