Sunday, July 25, 2010

Enjoying 16 months

Sam turned 16 months yesterday which is hard to believe. We are thoroughly enjoying this stage and his newfound independence. He's walking and very much in the "search and destroy" mode. He has so many "tricks." He's learning body parts and can identify eye, ear, nose, chin, teeth, and toes (although he thinks of toes as piggies from "this little piggy went to the market, etc"). He has a handful of words including mom, daddy, dog, keys, yogurt, water, thank you, and no.

He has so many "tricks" and cracks us up all day long. He loves to clap his hands when he hears "if you're happy and you know it clap your hands!" He plays peek-a-boo by putting his hands on his eyes and pulling them off, very surprised. He is learning animal sounds, roaring like a lion is his favorite, but he's also working on hissing like a snake, neighing like a horse, and making fish sounds. Hide-and-seek is one of his favorite games, he loves to play rough, swing upside down, and be tossed up in the air in the pool.

At the Little Gym, he is one of the strongest kids and has taught others how to hang from the bars unassisted. He is finally beginning to eat better (no more picky eating, thank goodness!) and his love affair with the dog has grown stronger (unfortunately it's one sided love, she mostly tolerates him).

His favorite activities include climbing the steps, standing up in chairs, going down the slide, swinging, playing on the rocking horse, and chasing the dog. Here are a few videos of our silly, sweet, precious boy.

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