Friday, September 03, 2010

Discipline help?

Lately Sam has started to test every limit to see what he's allowed to get away with and what he is not allowed to do. This has resulted in some very repetitive conversations about "no hitting" and "no biting" and "no throwing." The biting has subsided, but the hitting and throwing have increased. He doesn't hit out of anger or frustration - it is very playful, and we work on being gentle (showing him how to gently pet the dog, etc) - but it still hurts!

This week we were at Friendly's with my friend Melissa and her daughter London. Sam was frustrated that I wouldn't let him play with the knife, so he took his sippy cup and threw it across the table and almost hit London! I immediately picked him up and he had a time-out in the lobby of Friendly's. I couldn't believe he was acting out like this!

Time-outs and stern conversations have been helping, but this process is so frustrating. We work hard on being consistent, but there are times when it's just exhausting to continue saying it over and over again. I can't help but wonder if the time-outs and stern conversations are working? And it doesn't help matters that I'm not the most patient person in the world...

Anyone have advice on teaching a 17 month old that we don't hit, bite, or throw things at people?


Cecile/DreamCreateRepeat said...

Hey Rebecca! Congratulations on the big news!!

I remember (it was a long time ago) really acting out being hurt if I got hit or bit by the kids. I would try to very convincing act hurt or cry and be very sad. They really are just beginning to understand both: 1) empathy and 2) that they have the power to make things happen. Since they (probably) don't really want to hurt you, it can be quite surprising and upsetting (in a positive) way that they could have hurt you.

Hope this gets extinguished before the baby comes! I do remember Sara (now 25 and a lawyer ; ) trying to serious whack baby Daniel (now 21 and 6' 4") a few times! : P

Cecile/DreamCreateRepeat said...
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