Friday, October 15, 2010


The other night Brad and I were discussing travel plans for next summer.  Brad was thinking about going on a trip with Sam just the two of them in August.  He suggested that I go to Richmond and stay at my parents' house for a few days while they're gone. 

I said, "eh, I don't know if I want to do that. I mean, if I had Sam with me then I would definitely go down there so my parents could help take care of him while you're away.  But I don't want to go by myself and just hang out alone at my parents' house with them." 

Brad paused for a moment, trying to discern whether or not I was joking...and realized I wasn't. 

"You're going to have the new BABY with you!!!"  he said. 

My jaw dropped and I replied, "RIGHT!!! Shoot, I totally forgot that we'll have another baby then!" Bear in mind that the baby will be born in March - so I should definitely be aware of the fact that we'll have another baby all of next summer.  I can't believe that I forgot!  We both cracked up at my "oops" moment.  Wow - sometimes a pregnancy brain will amaze you!

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