Thursday, March 10, 2011

Letter to Baby Boy #2

As we prepare for life with two little boys, I wanted to take a minute to reflect on my hopes and prayers for baby boy #2.  As much as pregnancy can have its downsides, a pregnant woman also develops an incredible connection to her child in utero.  I'm so excited to meet him and jotted down some thoughts in a letter I wrote to him:

Dear Baby Boy,

We can't wait to meet you in just a matter of days! Your room is ready for your arrival and you have already received so many beautiful gifts from our family and friends.  Your daddy and I are so grateful that you have patiently awaited your entry into the world and you are now full-term!

I pray that your birth will be uncomplicated and that we you will arrive healthy with 10 fingers and 10 toes.

I pray that your big brother Sam will be one of the first people you meet and your first friend.  My relationship with your uncle D is one of the most important relationships in my life, and I hope that you and Sam will develop a very close bond over the years to come.

I pray that you know and feel how very much you are loved and cherished in our home.  We are so blessed to bring you into a very wide circle of friends, neighbors, and relatives who provide incredible support in our lives.  There may be times when you don't want to talk to me or your dad about something, but I hope that you always remember how many adults are in your life who will be here to help you and support you - and listen to you.

I pray that your dad and I are able to raise you in a way that helps you appreciate how much you have and we can instill in you a desire to give back to your community.  I pray that you understand how very fortunate you are to never go to bed hungry and that you will want to help those around you because so many people in the world don't have what you have.

I pray that you grow up to be curious and inquisitive.  I hope that you share my yearning for travel and learning about other cultures and other people.  I hope that you learn new things about the world and about other people every day - and through those experiences, you will learn new things about yourself. 

I pray that you don't always get what you want and that you will fall down at times.  Although your dad and I enjoy many successes in our lives, both personally and professionally, we have both failed at things too.  We have learned extraordinary lessons when we have not gotten what we wanted or when things didn't work out as we had hoped.  If you shoot for the moon and miss, you will still be among the stars.

I pray that when you do fall down, that you will have the resilience and support to help you get back up again.  I hope that you will reach out and let people help you in your times of need - because so many people love you and want to help you.

I pray that you find a spiritual and religious community to guide you and help you find meaning in your life.

I pray that you find joy in every day activities - whether it is playing with our wonderful dog Lucy, playing on a swingset, or swimming in a pool, I hope that you laugh every day of your life.  Your brother Sam truly has a zest for life and laughter, I hope that he will share that joy with you and teach you to enjoy life with the same excitement that he does.

I pray that you find love and someone to share your life with.  Your dad and I work hard to create a home in which you and Sam can understand the beauty and challenges of marriage.

I pray that you are interested in and passionate about many things throughout your life. I pray that you find activities, hobbies, or sport that you enjoy. Daddy and I hope to expose you to as many things as we can - nature, theater, ethnic food, traveling the world, music, sports, community service, social action, religion, and of course, politics!

I pray that you enjoy reading and learning.  I hope that you are inquisitive and ask questions about everything.  Reading introduces you to the world - whether you are reading books, magazines, the news, blogs, etc - I hope that you enjoy reading and learning.  Your brother Sam loves reading books and looks forward to sharing with you some of his favorite stories.
I pray that you enjoy good health throughout your life.  I know that you will have your fair share of colds, viruses, and other illnesses - but I hope that those are only temporary moments in your life.  Your dad and I will strive to create a healthy environment full of fresh air, healthy food, and plenty of exercise (just ask your brother Sam who RUNS everywhere).

I pray that you know that Daddy and I  will always be here for you when you need us - and we will also be here even when you don't want us around.  I pray that you will be independent and self-sufficient (probably more so than I might like!).  I know that this will probably cause fights down the road, but Daddy and I love you so very very much and will always work hard to look out for your best interests (even when you may disagree!).

We can't wait to meet you and shower you with all the love in the world! We look forward to hugging and kissing you, snuggling, cuddling, smelling your sweet baby smell, not sleeping (well maybe we're not looking forward to that part quite as much), and introducing you to your brother Sam.

Until then sweet boy who loves to have a dance party in my belly at all hours of the night!

Mommy & Daddy

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