Monday, March 14, 2011

Pregnant at 38 weeks!

First let me say that I still can't believe that I've made it this far. A friend recently said to me, "Congrats on reaching full term - I imagine that means much more to you than most women."  This is so so true. 

However, I'm quickly learning that the end of 3rd trimester is not so much fun.  Overall I'm feeling ok but my blood pressure numbers continue to be a roller coaster.  I have to take my bp twice/day on my home bp machine.  Sam is very interested in the bp machine and watches me intently when I take my bp.  The other day, completely on his own, he put the blood pressure cuff on his own arm (perfectly!) and started the machine to take his own blood pressure.  How smart is he!

My ankles and wrists are swollen - I can't even wear my favorite tennis bracelet that Brad gave me a few years ago.  My rings are becoming tight on my fingres.  I feel huge and have officially reached the "waddling" stage of pregnancy.

When I drop something on the ground, I really have to think twice about how badly I need that item before I decide whether or not to pick it up.  Thankfully, Sam loves to pick things up for me (one of the benefits of having a toddler around during pregnancy!).

Baby boy is extremely active and keeps me up at all hours of the night.  Unfortunately, my sleep has been terrible recently.  I generally sleep from about 1130pm - 3am, I'm up from 3-530am and then sleep again until about 7am.  I think that my body is preparing for the 3 hour feeding schedule once the baby arrives and is helping me get ready for the sleep deprivation, perhaps if I feel sleep deprived now, it won't be so bad once the baby arrives??? Argh.  It's loads of fun.  Thank GOODNESS for tivo!  And I'm discovering that there are some terrific shows on late at night.  Who knew that there are reruns of Family Ties & Doogie Howser on tv at 4am, I love it!

My eating habits continue to be odd and I still LOVE Taco Bell (I have no idea why).  I'm also in love with Chef Boyardee ravioli, poptarts, pizza, and Cadbury eggs.   I try my best to eat healthy, but sometimes YO QUIERO TACO BELL!  Thankfully, my obsession with pears has lasted throughout the entire pregnancy and I regularly eat 2 pears/day.

Braxton Hicks contractions are here in full force, sometimes as frequent as occuring every 5 minutes for 90 minutes.  Just as I begin to wonder if they are more than Braxton Hicks, they go away.  I recently got a Verizon iPhone (which I LOVE!) and installed a "Contraction Timer" app which has been amazingly helpful in tracking the contractions.  Whew, just had to stop writing this blog because of a contraction. 

The contractions are apparently quite productive.  As of March 10th, I was dilated 2cm and 80% effaced.  We still have no idea when the baby will arrive, but the doctor seemed to think it would be within the next week or so - he said that he would be "very surprised" if I was still pregnant in 2 weeks.  They're still discussing induction but no decision has been made yet.  Who knows.

I don't know why, but as soon as the doctor's appointment ended last week - I burst into tears and sobbed to Brad.  Yes, the waterworks are here too.  The other night I watched Brad read a story to Sam before bedtime and was overwhelmed by emotion at the sweet sight of watching them - and the tears began to stream down my face.  Both Brad and Sam were like "What is wrong???"

We're trying to prepare Sam for the baby but he really has no idea that his world is about to be turned upside down.  We have several big brother books and he points to my belly and says "baby", but he also points to his belly and says "baby" so I'm not so sure how much he understands.  We bought him a gift that we'll bring home from the hospital for Sam as a gift "from the baby."  I'm a little nervous about the transition - any suggestions are welcome!

No, I still have not packed a bag (see my blog post about intentionally procrastinating on packing the overnight bag).  But, I'm feeling more and more ready - although I don't know if you are ever fully ready for a new baby.  I'm just taking things 1 day at a time, it's pretty exciting to know that things could change at a moment's notice! I will certainly keep you all posted!

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