2010 has been a wonderful year for our family. As we say goodbye to this fabulous year, we wanted to reflect back on some of our favorite memories. Enjoy!
First swim lesson |
Helping Daddy work |
Swinging with daddy for photo shoot for Del. Eileen Filler-Corn's campaign |
Snowmaggedon |
Daddy shovelling the 5 feet of snow on our deck |
More adventures in Snowmaggedon - we were stuck at home for a week! |
Valentine's Day Dinner |
Purim! Eating his first hamentaschen
Campaigning for Del. Eileen Filler-Corn's special election. Sam is an excellent campaigner!
Learning to be an opera singer |
Learning to do the dishes at an early age |
Celebrating Mimi's birthay with a 7 course Moroccan feast at Marrakesh! |
Playing in the water in Cozumel, Mexico |
Stealing daddy's glasses in Mexico |
Visiting with Nurse Rebecca on his 1st birthday, she helped deliver him! We regularly go back to Sibley hospital to thank their amazing medical team for the phenomenal care they gave us during Sam's 3 week NICU stay. |
Sam turns 1! Celebrated with his first taste of ice cream - chocolate of course! |
Sam's awesome birthday cake made by Grandpa - our own little monkey! |
Red Sox game |
National Zoo for Mommy's 30th birthday - April 5 |
Backyard water games with Grandpa during 90 degree heat Apr 6 |
Pool fun with Daddy in Orlando |
Bear walking in Orlando |
Another Red Sox game |
Watching the Braves game from a suite - can you tell we like baseball? |
Strawberry picking with Mimi, Grandpa, Weiners, & Harts for Mother's Day |
Farmer Sam driving his tractor |
Uncle David graduates from grad school! |
Learning to help with chores |
Family photo at a local Dems picnic |
Best friends with Lucy |
Our wonderful Memorial Day weekend in Napa & San Francisco - first time away WITHOUT Sam! |
1st day at the pool, we spent a LOT of time at the pool during the summer. Sam is a fish and loves to swim! |
First time fingerpainting |
Choo choo train at the fair |
Weekend in NYC - Date night out! |
Looking down at the Empire State Building from our ridiculously "trendy" hotel room in the Meat Packing District |
Sam's first New York bagel - he ate the entire thing! |
Highline in NYC |
Watching daddy play softball for the synagogue softball team. One day Sam will play too.
Swimming at Bear Creak Lake State Park on July 4th |
Fourth of July Fireworks with Grandpa, Mimi, David & Jenn |
He is the expert on the bars at the Little Gym |
Sharing some water with Lucy |
Happy boy on his way home from a very scary 4 days in the hospital. This was ALSO the day he learned to walk for the first time. It was an amazing day - Daddy, Grandpa, Mimi, and Aunt Heather were all there to witness the first day of walking - but lucky Mommy got to see his first two consecutive steps!
Coincidentally, this was the day after we found out that we are pregnant with baby boy #2! Big week for our family. |
First time on a carousel. He liked it for about 10 seconds and then wanted to get off. |
More fun at Little Gym - the teacher had him show the other kids how to hang from the bars because he's such a pro! |
Yummy wedding cake at Aunt Cora & Aunt Suriya's wedding in Boston! |
Helping Daddy drive the boat on Lake Champlain, Vermont with the Wyatt Family |
Hiding under a sheet with the dog
Beautiful beach day at Lake Anna State Park with Grandpa & Mimi. |
Skinny boy handing me his pants, hilarious. |
Big fundraiser at our house for Congressman Gerry Connolly with Del. Eileen Filler-Corn and Sen. Bob Barker.
We raised over $15,000 and Connolly won by only 1,000 votes! |
Weekend in Lake Gaston, NC with the Cheney family. |
Checking out the dinosaurs at the Natural History Museum
Pushing his favorite shopping cart |
Throwing rocks into Burke Lake Park with Uncle David |
Burke Pumpkin Playground |
Cox Farms - Gingerbread House in the "Candy Land" play area |
Flying like a bumblee for the Barrington neighborhood Halloween parade |
Learning how to Trick or Treat and eat a TON of chocolate |
Family photo with Mimi, Me, Grandpa, and Brad at the Shapiro wedding in Charlottesville, VA |
First soccer class |
Goofing around at the grocery store the morning after another visit to the ER because he smashed into a cabinet. Thankfully, no stitches! |
Reading with (and on) daddy |
Our wonderful weekend away to Las Vegas - last trip before the new baby!
Check out my baby bump, I'm about 20 weeks pregnant here. |
Helping Daddy make pies for Thanksgiving at Mimi & Grandpa's awesome new house! |
Exploring toys on one of our MANY visits to Costco. We love it there!
Napping with the dog, his best friend. She's learning to tolerate him and loves him feeding her, but she isn't such a fan of the tail/whisker pulling. He's learning to be more gentle. |
1st night of Hanukkah |
8th night of Hanukkah |
Visiting the National Botanical Gardens and their train exhibit |
Watching the first snowflakes of the winter - hopefully it won't be as bad as last winter! |
First time sledding - he LOVED it and did not want to go inside!
We had a wonderful 2010 and cannot wait for the new adventures we will have in 2011 when we welcome the arrival of Baby Boy #2 to our family. We hope you all have a happy new year! |