I'm a little bit behind but I wanted to update the blog about Noah's 8th month. He is a very happy boy who loves to laugh, play and explore. He is waving goodbye to everyone and loves to clap his hands during music class and the many songs that we sing at home. Noah enjoys tapping objects together and talking up a storm. He identifies me as mama and says it with meaning only me. He is experimenting with many sounds - baba, dada, nana, yaya, oooh, eeeh, etc.
We love spending time outside when the weather permits. Noah is not fully crawling yet, but scooting and can move across the room to get a toy that he wants. |
He is able to move from sitting to crawling position and then back into sitting position quite proficiently! |
He loved the trains at Lewis Ginter Botanical Gardens at Thanksgiving time with Mimi & Pa |
Sam & Noah watching the huge train sets! |
Sam & Noah love taking turns "flying" in the air |
Sweet snuggle time on the blanket outside |
More flying |
Sam pulled Noah in the wagon that I played with when I was their age (many moons ago) |
Noah happily plays with whatever toys big brother Sam brings him - they both thought it was hilarious to play with the laundry basket that Sam put in the crib. |
We are starting to introduce more table food to Noah, he is VERY interested in what he is eating. Here Noah is trying to grab the cake Brad is eating at a birthday party for one of Sam's friends. |
Playing vs. eating the tambourine during music class. He mouths everything and has 4 teeth pushing through, 2 on top and 2 on the bottom. |
Sam & Noah playing hide and seek under the chairs at a synagogue event. |
He scooted backwards to the 1 step between our kitchen and family room and very proudly perched there halfway between the two levels. He was very pleased with his accomplishment. |
Learning to stack the rings! |
We try to go outside every day, even when it is cold! Beautiful sweater and hat that Great Aunt Carol Wyatt made when Sam was a baby. |
Exploring more table food - Mimi introduces an apple to Noah, he LOVED it! |
Noah continues to be a wonderful sleeper, usually sleeping about 11-12 hours/night and taking a 2-3 hour nap in the early afternoon - usually when Sam naps too which is a very nice break for mommy! The big challenge this month was Noah's first major illness. On November 13, Noah began to show signs of respiratory distress from a virus. Because it was a Sunday, our doctor's office was closed but thankfully our wonderful neighbor (and my best friend from high school BBYO!) is a pediatrician and agreed to listen to him. She confirmed my suspicion that he was indeed having some breathing challenges and needed to go to the ER. It was pretty upsetting to take a 8 month old baby to the ER, especially given our previous respiratory issues with Sam (who has been hospitalized twice for respiratory viruses).
Fairfax inova hospital is a wonderful children's hospital and we received terrific care. Noah was diagnosed with RSV and we were sent home with breathing treatments and medication. He got much better and then got another virus and had double ear infections! Poor little guy has had a rough few weeks, but his personality remains happy and smiley! The ER doctor told me that he should be a baby model because he was so cheerful and sweet despite the illness!
He has recovered and continues to explore everything around him. He loves to coo and talk to people, laugh at pretty much everything, and adores Sam. Most recently he found cutting his fingernails to be hilarious and cracked up laughing when I tried to pull a sweater over his head - apparently this was very very funny. He makes us laugh constantly and is such a sweet, easygoing baby.
Thank you for all of your support during his health challenges and the hospital visit in November. It was a scary experience, but the outpour of love and support from our friends and family made such a difference. We really appreciate it!