Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ode to a Second Child

When I was pregnant with Sam, we were over the moon excited about becoming parents.  We're still excited about baby boy #2, but it's just so different.  We pretty much know what to expect and our lives won't be dramatically altered the way they were with the first child. 

My best friend's mom recently emailed me because she wanted to make something for the new baby's nursery.  She's very talented and crocheted gorgeous fish, octopus, and mermaid for Sam's room which we made into a mobile (the theme of his room was the ocean/beach).  Her email cracked me up:

"Just wondering if you have thought, and I am sure you have, what  new baby Geller-Cheney's themed room might be and color schemes? Time is getting close , and I need to get going on something!"  This was when I was 22 weeks along...and had not given 1 minute's thought about the theme for the new baby's nursery!  Oops!  We're now planning to do Noah's Ark - thanks Sandy for reminding us to think about this! :) 

Even worse, was a conversation I had a few weeks ago with Brad about vacation plans for next summer.  He was considering going on a trip with Sam, just the two of them.  Here's how the conversation went:

Brad:  Well, if Sam and I go away by ourselves next August, you could always go down to Richmond and hang out at your parents' house for a few days.

Me:  Why would I go stay with my parents by myself?  I would rather stay here and catch up with friends while you guys are gone.

Brad: Um, huh?

Me:  If I had Sam with me while you were out of town, I would totally go stay with my parents so that they could help out with Sam.  But I'm not going to go hang out at their house by myself without Sam.

Brad: What?  You're kidding, right?

Me:  No, why?  What's the problem?

Brad (at this point he was dumb-founded and realized that I was not kidding or being sarcastic):  You would have the NEW BABY with you! That's why I thought you'd go stay at your parents house, so that they could help out with the new baby!!!!

Me: OH MY G-D.  I cannot believe I totally forgot that next August we'll have another baby!

Brad: laughing hysterically now...

Me: Stunned look on my face.  Whoa. 
So yeah, things are just different with baby #2.  When you have a toddler demanding your attention, you don't have as much time to sit around and wonder what life will be like as a new Mommy. All of this is a prelude into my amazing morning with baby boy #2. 

This morning, I was laying in bed not wanting to get up yet after a very rough night with Sam (he was quite sick last night), and the baby sucker-punched my belly.  I pulled down the blanket and watched in amazement - I could literally see the baby's hands, feet, knees, elbows, kicking in my belly and pushing the skin out in random places in huge motions.  It was absolutely incredible to see and I felt so connected to baby boy #2. 

Although I felt a lot of movement during my pregnancy with Sam, I never could SEE him moving (except in ultrasounds of course).  Maybe it's because I weigh so much less now than I did when I was pregnant with Sam so there's less fat between my skin and the baby?  I lost a LOT of weight in between pregnancies  and am just now beginning to approach what I weighed BEFORE I got pregnant with Sam. Who knows why, but it was very exciting to see. 

I doubt we'll take as many pictures or videos after the arrival of baby boy #2 - not sure that's possible since we took SO many with Sam!  Plus, Sam's obsessed with the camera and wants to use it whenever we pull it out which makes it a little more challenging to use!  But, we're getting more and more excited about the new addition to our family and quickly realizing how very soon he will be here. 

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