Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Sam's new things

Aside from the irrational logic of a toddler and occasional tantrums, I'm truly enjoying this stage of Sam's toddler-hood.  His language has exploded over the past month.  He can say 50+ words and is beginning to put together two words into a sentence.  We were recently clearing out toys from the playroom so the carpets could be cleaned and he threw a fit yelling "No Daddy No!" 

Some of his favorite words include:  No, please, Mommy, Daddy, Lu (dog), David (uncle), Mimi, Pa (Grandpa), Azeb (his babysitter), more, down, done, doggie, hi, hello, love you, Sam, bubbles, buckle, baby, milk, eyes, nose, ears, teeth, knees, mouth, elbow, shoe, banana (he calls it a boppaday), blueberry, blackberry (he calls it a bobby), me, pop, hot, dirty, poop, boo, uh oh, and more that I can't remember right now. 

He loves to imitate everything we do - even things we don't realize he sees.  If he spills something, he goes to the bathroom to get a tissue and cleans it up on the floor - pretty amazing that my child knows how to clean, right!?!?  He crawls around on the floor panting and pretending that he is the dog.  He's obsessed with sitting in the front seat of the car behind the steering wheel (when it is parked and off obviously) and pretending to drive the car.  He loves to put on an oven mitt when he is cooking in his toy kitchen.

He is a very active kid and loves to jump, climb, and destroy things.  But he's also quite happy listening to his music (Sing, Dance & Play is his #1 CD), sing songs (itsy bitsy spider is his favorite right now) reading books, working with a shape sorter, and playing in his toy kitchen (he still loves to bake his babydoll in the toy kitchen oven - we need to work on this before baby boy #2 arrives!).  He loves "If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands," Old McDonald Had a Farm, Wheels on the Bus - especially when Brad makes up words to this song.  After the standard verses of "the wipers on the bus go swish swish swish" Brad begins to make up verses like "the bunnies on the bus go very fast, very fast, very fast!" 

One of my absolute favorite things about Sam is his laugh and sense of humor.  He loves to joke, tease, and laugh at everything.  We're constantly amazed by how he truly understands everything we say and can act accordingly.  He truly is a sponge and mimicks everything he sees.  He knows how to laugh on command, he loves when we make a fire in the fire place, he watches the fire and says "pop pop pop" very quietly.  He knows about 10 animal sounds, his favorites are cow, chicken, sheep, dog, monkey, fish, snake.  He knows about 20 body parts: eyes, nose, ear, hair, head, mouth, teeth, tongue, cheek, chin, hand, fingers, belly button, tush, knees, feet, toes, etc.  He's also very cuddly and loves to snuggle on the couch and read a book.  He loves to give hugs and kisses and we've finally taught him to NOT give the dog a big open mouth kiss on her back - he was walking away with a mouth full of dog hair and choking!  He's so in love with the dog, it's adorable.  If only she loved him..she mostly tolerates him.  

Anyway, I wanted to memorialize some of his activities  as he turns 21 months this week.  I'm truly enjoying this time with him and feel so blessed to have such a smart, sweet, and happy little boy.

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