Today I am volunteering up at Loyola law school printing out the docket masters to use for our Right To Counsel project throughout the week. I spend the afternoon with a Loyola student, a 30 year old woman who lost her home in the storm. She is originally from New Orleans and she told me about how her home was destroyed, her mother’s home was destr

By the time she could go back to the house, their beloved family dog was long gone. When they returned to her home, it was in ruins - she found a few toys and broken pieces of furniture, but most of it was washed

I’m amazed by her fortitude, her strength, and her commitment to give so much of her time to the Student Hurricane Network. She thanks me for giving up my spring break to volunteer in New Orleans and expresses her appreciation for what I’m doing. I feel so privileged, I’m only giving up my spring break – a luxury that I have because I have the privilege of attending law school – I will leave after my trip and return to my home and my dog. She has so little, she needs so much and gives her time nonetheless, and yet she is thanking me for giving up something so insignificant as my spring break. I can’t imagine spending my spring break anywhere else.
1 comment:
wow. that's all i can say.
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