It is hard to believe that baby Noah is already 7 months old! I love this baby stage - his personality is truly developing and he has very real likes and dislike - but he is not yet fully mobile (which I like!).
He rarely sits still - this was the closest I could get to a "still" shot.
He loves crinkling and destroying paper, magazines, wrapping paper, plastic, etc
He attempts to find every possible opportunity to have his head hanging upside down. He loves hanging upside down and enjoys rough play - especially with Sam. He squeals in laughter when we toss him in the air, swing him around, and bounce him up and down. He gets upset when he drops a toy and can no longer reach it and thinks that peek-a-boo is the greatest game ever. He understands object permanence and thinks it is a terrific game.
Sam and Noah are very close and truly enjoy spending time together -
such as this family outing to the Burke Pumpkin playground. |
Cuddly Noah with mommy at pumpkin patch |
This is one of my new favorite pictures -the boys and I enjoyed a glorious fall afternoon hanging out on the hammock, looking up at the beautiful leaves changing colors, watching birds overhead, and singing songs. |
Noah & Sam love to read books together, especially with their Mimi! |
Yes, he is that stinkin cute. :) |
We have started to introduce some finger foods and he LOVES it. He goes crazy when we give him Mum Mum crackers, teething biscuits (he's teething like crazy!), puffs, yogurt melts, or small pieces of banana.
He reaches for table food and loves eating all kinds of baby food. Right now his favorite mashed up baby foods include beets, salmon, lentils, mango, squash, sweet potato, pears, passion fruit, pumpkin, and applesauce. Yes, I think he eats better than we do! He hates green beans and peas, but will tolerate them if masked by squash. |
He likes playing with his ring stacker and toys in his crib - but sometimes a certain "helpful" 2 year old likes to bring LOTS of toys and put them into Noah's crib. He's very "helpful". |
He loves rolling around and scooting backwards. |
Steering his car is one of Noah's favorite activities |
Poor Lucy dog, Noah is in love with her too and likes to harass her. |
We introduced Pa to the Burke Pumpkin Playground for a spooky fun evening. Pa had a blast with the boys! |
Noah is starting to enjoy riding around on my back in the Ergo - one my favorite baby carriers! |
Noah isn't so sure about Sam pushing him, Sam isn't exactly "gentle." Yes, Sam is wearing rain boots even though it is perfectly dry outside. He is obsessed with his boots and we have learned to pick our battles. |
It wouldn't be the fall without a picture of one of our kids with a political candidate! Our wonderful neighbor Bill ran for Fairfax County sheriff (and unfortunately lost). Noah loves Bill, here they are together at the neighborhood Halloween parade and party! |
Noah's first halloween! Sam had a lot to teach him! |
The skeleton hand in this candy bowl moves when you put your hand in - Noah thought it was terrific but didn't understand why Sam got to eat candy but he didn't! |
Our first Halloween as a family of four! |
He loves playing in the water and splashing the water EVERYWHERE. He thinks it is hilarious when we pile soap bubbles on his head. Sam thinks Noah's hat is pretty funny too. |
Sam is trying to teach Noah about the alphabet - by putting the bathtime foam letters on his head. What a good big brother. |
The boys are very musical, Sam likes to teach Noah how to play the cat piano. Now that Noah stands while holding onto things rather proficiently, the boys play together much more!
Noah has discovered his voice and loves to shriek to get our attention, carries on when he drops a toy and can't reach it, and has started saying more words like "Mama, Hi, Naaa naaa." Sam started saying dada LOOONG before he ever uttered the word "mama" so it is quite nice to have a child who says mama first! :)
He also has developed a singing voice and likes to sing along when we sing or have music on! Even in the car, he likes to sing to the radio or music. When Sam was this age, he had a "reading" voice that he would use when we read him books.
We love watching his world view develop and his laughter abound! |
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