Monday, July 02, 2012

Blogging = Capturing the Memories of My Kids' Childhood

Lately i have begun to realize that as much as I think I will remember every adorable thing my kids do, my memory fails me more times than I care to admit.  When I try to think back on what Sam was like at 15 months (Noah's current age), I am so grateful to have my blog and FB pictures/videos to help me remember.  So, that being said - I am committed to once again using this blog to capture the funny things that my kids do and say.

If you're not interested in hearing about the crazy antics that are daily occurrences in my house, feel free to stop reading.  But if you're looking for a good laugh about the hilarity that is my life -- I welcome you to join me as I increase the frequency of my blogs in an attempt to record the "I can't believe he did/said that" moments in the Geller-Cheney house.

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