Friday, December 10, 2010

Fruit photos

I'm always so impressed when my friends undertake arts and crafts projects and turn out an amazing piece of art using twigs and pinecones.  I'm just not a Martha Stewart project type of person.  I'm not very good at it and it's not how I like to spend my time. 

So, when I suggested to Brad that I create the art that we would hang on the big bare wall of the kitchen, he gave me a very strange look.  I really like framed photos of fruit and saw some at a store.  They were selling a set of 5 photos + frames for $300.  Are you kidding me? I'm not spending that kind of money...and then began to wonder if I could do make it myself? To say that Brad was skeptical is an understatement.  He thought I was going to crash and burn with this project - which of course gave me more motivation to make this work!

Whole Foods has the best produce in our area, so I pulled out our awesome camera and went "grocery shopping" with Sam.  I felt like I had to bring Sam with me so I could have an explanation if someone asked me what I was doing taking tons of photos in the produce section.  My concocted story was that my mom lives far away and wanted me to send her pictures of me with her only grandchild doing "every day" type of things - like grocery shopping.  So in between my shots of the produce, I took pictures of Sam.... right before he grabbed the bottom lemon from a big pile and all of the lemons fell on the floor.  Great.  Although I got some strange looks from customers, no one inquired into what the hec I was doing. 

I quickly realized that each piece of fruit had an annoying store sticker on the side, so I had to meticulously arrange the prettiest pieces of fruit to hide the stickers and make the fruit look "naturally" stacked.

I took a bunch of shots, uploaded them, zoomed in on certain parts of the pictures, and printed/enlarged them at the CVS photo shop. I bought black wooden frames from Target and hung them up on our previously boring beige kitchen wall. Badda bing badda boom - I made art!

Cherry tomatoes from the salad bar (far left), oranges, watermelons, lemons, and apples (far right)

I LOVE them and am so proud of my creation!  People regularly ask me "where did you buy those photos, they're great!"  They're shocked when I tell them that I created it myself!  Here's to trying new things!

1 comment:

Cora said...

Very impressive, Becca!!