Monday, February 20, 2012

Top 10 things I learned over President's Day Weekend

10.  Potty training is my least favorite parenting job.  After 3 very frustrating days, I officially hate it.

9.  Noah has discovered eating dog food and thinks it is delicious.  Awesome.

8.  Noah has also discovered that splashing in the dog's water bowl is "fun."

7.  I really hate de-cluttering and organizing closets, basement, junk drawers, etc.  I have many strengths in life, but cleaning and organizing is NOT one of them.

6. My almost 11 month old baby Noah has learned to climb the steps and climbed all 25 steps in one shot.  I fear that he is not really a baby any more but quickly becoming a toddler. Yikes!

5.  Did I mention how much I despise potty training?

4.  Mother Nature is teasing us with the dusting of snow this weekend and my kids aren't going to be able to actually play in snow at all this year!

3.  Waking Sam up to watch the snow fall and come outside to let the snow fall on his head was one of the best mommy decisions I have made in a while.  The snow began about 5 minutes after I put him to bed, so I woke him up so we could enjoy the snow together.

2.  Potty training really sucks.  Being an adult is hard sometimes.

1.  We are in desperate need of a vacation.  Good thing we have one coming up WITHOUT THE KIDS! It will be my first time away from Noah overnight.  I.AM.READY.

In addition to the frustrations of cleaning and potty training, we did have some sweet times at home with the boys.  It's not often that we basically stay home for 3 days in a row!  Here are some videos of Noah learning to conquer the steps and the boys being silly.


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