Monday, March 26, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday to Noah!

I cannot believe Noah is 1 year old today!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY! 
March 26, 2011
March 25, 2012

Here is the slideshow I created about Noah's 1st year! Personally, I can't watch it without crying.

He is an amazing and happy little guy.  He loves his big brother Sam SO much -- they wrestle on the floor and Noah is a very resilient and tough boy.

Since he was 12 weeks old, Noah has slept about 11-12 hours/night.  He takes a 2 hour nap in the afternoon, which usually coincides with Sam's naptime too (yay).  At night/nap time we read several books, sing songs, cuddle, and then put him down in his crib wide awake.  He listens to his music, plays in his crib, and falls asleep completely on his own.  When he wakes up in the morning, he frequently plays happily in his crib for 30-45 minutes at a time.  

He began rolling over at 3 weeks old on a regular basis -- truly a genius baby.  
He sat up on his own at 4 months and 1 day.  He began babbling around 6-7 months.  He began pulling himself up on furniture and cruising at 7 months.  Noah started crawling at 9 months.  Right now Noah is standing on his own without holding onto anything for about 30 seconds at a time.  We expect he will probably start walking any day now.

He began drinking from a sippy cup at 6 months and weaned himself from a bottle at 10 months -- and only drinks from a cup now.  I just stopped nursing him and am very proud of reaching my goal of nursing Noah for 1 year! 

Noah loves to eat. He began eating baby food around 5 months and started on table food at 9 months. He now truly eats more than Sam.  He self-feeds in the high chair and eats pretty much whatever we put in front of him -- brussel sprouts, beans, broccoli, spinach, fish, spicy Indian food, -- you name, it he will eat it.  His favorite foods include strawberries, blueberries, meatballs, cheese, bananas, yogurt, hummus (which he loves to smash into his hair), turkey, and bread.  Despite the massive amounts of food he eats, he still only weighs 21 pounds which is about 40th percentile in weight charts -- probably because he is VERY active and never sits still! 

After a series of ear infections between December and March, his ears are finally doing better and we are postponing the tubes surgery.  He began saying "mama" around 8 months and "dada" at 10 months.

 He now says the letters a, b, d, e, g, h, i, m, s and the words ba ba, gaga, dada, mama.

Sweet baby sounds like this

He is pointing at things and asking questions in his babble.  His favorite sound is talking, singing, and he LOVES to laugh

He began waving at 9 months and loves to give "high 5" and stick out his tongue.  He has a new game of saying "ha ha" and trying to get someone to repeat it back to him -- he then laughs, and starts the "ha ha" game over and over again -- 50x in a row.

He loves music and has his own "singing voice". Here's a great video of him with Brad at music class at 2 months old

He is also starting to become very curious about the world around him.  He loves to splash in the dog's water bowl, the toilet bowl, and thinks that dog food is a delicious snack.  He likes to climb into the dishwasher and can climb up steps SO quickly!  Our house is once again very child proofed and Noah has already learned the meaning of the word "no."

It has truly been an extraordinary first year for Noah and we are so in love and SO proud of our amazing little boy.  I can only imagine what the next year will bring!

Happy birthday my sweet boy, I am so blessed to have you in my life.

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