Tuesday, March 01, 2011

March 1 = Achieving My Own Personal Goal

It's no secret that this pregnancy has had some challenges.  I've been on modified bedrest since January 7th.  Since Sam was born at 32 weeks, getting past 32 weeks was HUGE for me (see my blog at 32 weeks in this pregnancy).

Throughout all of my pregnancies, I've worked hard to "keep my eyes on the prize."  One of my good friends shared some invaluable advice with me.  When you first find out you're pregnant, it can be hard to imagine the due date becuase 40 weeks is a very long time!  She told me that she found it helpful to just focus on getting through to the next doctor's appointment. 

First you focus on getting to the first ultrasound (for me, it was 6 weeks), then 8 weeks, then 12 weeks, etc.  I've had a LOT of doctor's appointments so I've had a lot of short-term goals that have helped to break down the stress and keep me focused on something very close in time.  I've had least 3 doctors appointments/month since 12 weeks and I've been going 1x/week since 28 weeks.  Rather than focusing on my March 28 due date, I find it incredibly helpful to just focus on getting through to the next doctor's appointment.

When I say "getting through" - this is my way of coping with the stress and worries that can cloud one's mind during pregnancy.  Fears about miscarriage during the 1st trimester.  Concerns about the baby growing and developing normally.  Worries about the baby arriving early during 3rd trimester. 

 But throughout ALL of this, I've had one big overall goal.  Here's what I wrote in a blog several months ago: "My goal is to make it to at least March 1, at which point I will be 36 weeks along.  Although my due date is not until March 28, I will be very very happy if baby boy #2 is born anytime during March."

I am SO proud to say that today is March 1 and as of yesterday I was 36 weeks along!  Monday March 7 will mark 37 weeks which will officially be full-term!  As much I am usually an optimist, I honestly never thought I'd make it this far in the pregnancy - I feel very very happy and proud today. :)

The baby is doing well, he is about 5 and 1/2 pounds and very very active.  He has given me quite the digestive challenges (can you say HEARTBURN 24/7!?!), but I appreciate that I can regularly feel him kicking/punching up a storm.  Over the next few weeks we expect him to gain about 1 oz/day (which is about 1/2 pound/week). 

Here's the most recent ultrasound picture:

HURRAY for reaching my own personal goal of making it to March.  WOO HOO!


David said...

Congrats Becca! That is great news!

Abby Fifer Mandell said...

Congrats!!! So happy for you!!!!
As a home birther, I read your last post with interest. It occurs to me that your personal goal of making it to March 1 is not unlike others who have a "birth plan." It's a goal, a personal hope, a wish for a certain outcome. And while many factors are out of one's control, one tries to do everything one can to have a certain experience that, for whatever reason, it meaningful to that person. Not unlike how you did every you could to eat right, rest, etc. in trying to make it to March 1, and how you've said you'll always wonder if there was something you could have done differently with Sam's early birth. (An interesting aside -- people who have home births don't actually write birth plans, usually. When you have a baby at home, there are far fewer variables to worry about, and you've only invited people to be there and assist who know exactly what you want.)
I continue to send love and prayers to you, Brad, Sam, and BB2!!!!