Monday, January 31, 2011

32 Weeks! Deep breaths..

It is no surprise that today is a big day for me and I'm a big ball of nerves.  Today marks 32 weeks in my pregnancy with baby boy #2...which is the same day in my pregnancy with Sam when I went into pre-term labor.  After 3 days of terrifying and agonizing labor, Sam arrived at 4 lb and 8 oz. 

Last Thursday we had the final "growth ultrasound" of baby boy #2 and found out that he weighed 3 lb, 11 oz - which is 42nd percentile which is totally normal.  It also means that now he's probably closing in on 4 lbs.  Everything looked great in last week's ultrasound and my doctors have been very happy with the baby's progress.  Although they are continuing to monitor things closely, they have no reason to believe that I will go into early labor again.  But, they still have no idea what caused me to go into early labor with Sam either - for some reason that will forever be unknown, my water began to slowly leak on that eventful Saturday morning March 21, 2009.

I'm not going to repeat the details of what happened that day, but if you've never read or heard my birth story - here is the blog I wrote about Sam's early birth.

I still struggle to understand why he came early. Did I eat something I shouldn't have eaten? Was I not taking it easy? Was I working too hard and not getting enough rest? Why did it happen?

My doctor has assured me time and time again that there is nothing I could have done differently and they don't know why he came early.  I had seen my doctor 4 days before I went into labor and everything was perfectly normal - sometimes these things just happen and there's no explanation. I hate that answer. I hate not knowing why and not being able to fix it for a future pregnancy. Even though I know I shouldn't, part of me will always wonder why...
For weeks I've had my eyes glued to the calendar for the 32 week marker - and now that it's here, I want to take a moment to truly appreciate the miracle that is Sam and how incredibly grateful I feel to have such a smart, sweet, loving, funny, and energetic little boy.  He is absolutely amazing and a blessing.  I know that a baby born at 32 weeks can thrive...but that doesn't mean I'm ready to go into labor just yet.

Message to Baby boy #2 - STAY IN THERE! Even though your mama and brother aren't exactly the most patient people, it is not yet time for you to venture into the world!

My goal is to make it to at least March 1, at which point I will be 36 weeks along.  Although my due date is not until March 28, I will be very very happy if baby boy #2 is born anytime during March.

So anyway, if you talk to me at all this week - I apologize in advance if I seem a bit tense.  It's a big week for me and I'm feeling very emotional and extremely nervous. I'm just trying to stay positive and take it one day at a time.  And I'm remembering to breathe.  Whew! 

Thank you in advance for all of the support you all have given us during the recent challenges in my pregnancy.  I know I've fallen behind on email and I apologize, but I do appreciate all of the amazing people in my life - I am so blessed to have such a terrific circle of support!

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