Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Sam's best friend Neal is taking over our house

As I've said before, Sam goes to a wonderful in-home child care 3 days/week.  There are 5-6 kids and 2 teachers and he receives excellent care there.  His best friend in the class is a little boy about a month older than him named Neal.

Neal is taking over our house.  Sam has a new game which he thinks is absolutely hysterical.  Although Sam definitely knows his name is Sam, he thinks it is hilarious to say that his name is Neal.  Every now and then he says his name is Kylie (a little girl in his class, but usually everyone is Neal). 

Now, when I point to Brad and say "who's that?" a huge grin spreads across his face and he shouts "NEAL!" and throws his head back laughing and laughing.  He not only knows that Brad is daddy, but he also calls him Brad (he hears me calling Brad and has learned that Daddy's name is Brad)

We skyped with my parents the other night and although he absolutely knows their names are Mimi and Grandpa - and he also calls them Norm and Sue at times (he hears them calling each other by their first name and has started to repeat it), he insisted on calling them "Neal" and rolled on the floor laughing at his joke.

"D", my brother David, has been called Neal and so have I.  Amazingly, the only one who has not been called Neal is Lucy the dog who I think he loves more than anything (or anyone).  Sam is obsessed with his joke and finds every opportunity to possible to play the name game - and call everyone Neal.  He also loves to play hide & seek/BOO (as you'll see in the video below).  This video was taken after he'd been playing the "Neal" game for 20 minutes already so he wasn't laughing quite as hysterically as he was at the beginning of the game - but you can still tell that he finds it entertaining.

I love Sam's sense of humor, what a funny little boy.

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