Friday, January 21, 2011

Update on My Bedrest - 2 weeks down, 2 weeks to go

I have good news and bad news.  The first piece of good news is that baby boy #2 is doing well, growing, and healthy.  The second piece of good news is that my blood pressure numbers appear to have stabilized after 2 weeks of "modified bedrest."  I'm getting more used to things than I was at the Blog on Day 3 of bedrest.

The bad news is that the "modified bedrest" is working and has stabilized my blood pressure numbers.  Yes, I know that I said this is good news - but because it is working, my doctor wants to extend the modified bedrest for at least another 2 weeks since we know it is working.

Although I'm relieved that my blood pressure numbers seem to have evened out, I was expecting to return to work and resume a normal schedule next week.  I'm frustrated that I have to continue on a "modified" schedule for another few weeks.  Basically this means that I'm working from home (thank goodness for wireless Internet!) and staying off my feet.  I was sent home with a blood pressure machine and have been monitoring my numbers daily.   Thankfully I haven't had a repeat of the scary numbers that I had when I was first put on bedrest.  I'm allowed to take short excursions out of the house 1x/day as long as I stay off my feet when I'm out.  Most days this excursion is a visit to one of my many doctors.

Even though my numbers are better, my primary doctor said yesterday "we don't know what caused the sudden spike in your numbers 2 weeks ago, but they were real and they were scary.  We do know that the bedrest is working so I don't want to change anything since we know this is working and your numbers are stabilizing." 

His logic makes sense and I'm certainly not going to argue with him given that I am almost 31 weeks along and Sam was born at 32 weeks.  Thankfully I'm not on strict bedrest.  I have some friends who have been on strict bedrest and were only allowed to get up from bed to use the bathroom or to shower.  I don't know how I could do that - I'm already going a bit stir crazy staying home this much on modified bedrest.

As the days tick by and the much-anticipated "32 week threshold" grows closer, I become more and more nervous.  Actually, nervous isn't the right word.  I'm terrified.  I work hard to not dwell on it, but I fear I'm losing this battle as it is on my mind far too much these days.  But, I just try to stay positive and take things one day at a time.

The last piece of good news is that I'm certainly not bored!  I am able to continue working for my firm from home and continue to stay very involved in my volunteer activities. 

In my "free" time, I serve as the spokesperson/press secretary for the Coalition for Full Day Kindergarten in Fairfax County (see my first Blog Post about the Coalition for Full Day K) which is very exciting but takes a lot of time.  Thankfully 99% of it can be done from home.  I launched our online petition which you can sign here.  In recent days, our support and signatures have increased by 100+ people PER day!  Thanks to all of my blogreaders who have signed the petition. If you haven't already signed it, I hope that you will!

We've also received quite a bit of press too.  Here's the First Article that quotes me a lot, An Article on our Successful Summit, Story about a 1/2 Day Kindergarten Classroom; and a Channel 9 TV Story about Us.  The Coalition for Full Day Kindergarten has been a wonderful distraction from my worries and I have made so many wonderful new friends in my community who have truly supported me during the challenges of bedrest.

We are truly blessed to have so many friends who have brought us meals to make our day a little easier since Brad is now handling 100% of the household responsibilities. We are so so grateful for your support. 

So, that's the udpate from the Geller-Cheney home.  Two weeks of bedrest down, at least two more to go.  Think positive thoughts!

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