Friday, January 14, 2011

First real picture of baby boy #2

Even though we see the maternal fetal specialist constantly and have high resolution ultrasounds of the baby every 2 weeks, baby boy #2 is very similar to his big brother and rarely cooperates with the ultrasound tech.  We almost never get a good picture of what he looks like - except that he is definitely a boy, a fact that he likes to show off practically every time we have an ultrasound. 

But, yesterday we got an AMAZING view of his face and were stunned by how incredibly similar he and Sam look.  Here's yesterday's picture of baby boy #2 at 29.5 weeks:

And here is a picture of Sam at 6 weeks old from a similar viewpoint.

Maybe it's just that we're proud parents and think that baby boy #2 is as cute as Sam, but we were very excited by the ultrasound.  Seeing his face in such clarity made it feel much more real. 

We also think Sam is trying to help us prepare for the new baby by getting us back into the routine of getting up in the middle of the night.  Since he was 4 months old, Sam has been an amazing sleeper.  He normally sleeps 11-12 hours/night and goes down usually without a problem. 

The last three nights he has woken up between 1-4am am for no apparent reason.  He wasn't hungry, thirsty, poopy, etc.  I think he just wanted to play - which we were not about to do at 4am.  Both nights he was up for 60-90 minutes.  Considering I'm on bedrest, I'm exhausted!  We're letting him cry it out once we determine that there's really nothing he "needs" - but we are frustrated.  Maybe he's going through a toddler sleep pattern change? We have no idea.

Anyway, thought you all would enjoy this glimpse of baby boy #2! 

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