Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Request for Help from Fairfax County friends

Attention Fairfax County friends!  This blog post is a CALL TO ACTION and a request for your help - it will take 1 minute of your time, so please read. 

I'm deeply involved with a non-partisan group called "Equity in Education via Full Day Kindergarten."  Research studies show that students with full day kindergarten (FDK) are clearly at an advantage compared to those with half day kindergarten. The elementary school that my kids will attend is 1 of 37 Fairfax County schools that only offers 1/2 day kindergarten - all of the rest of the county schools offer FDK.

I'm wondering if you might be willing to sign a petition that states you support bringing full day kindergarten to ALL elementary schools in Fairfax County. Even if you don't have kids, or your kids will attend a school with FDK, or if your kids are older , we still need your support. This is an issue that affects all Fairfax County families - and I hope you will consider signing it. This does not commit you to doing anything (I promise!), just shows your solidarity with other Fairfax County families.

 The petition can be accessed here.

It only takes about 30 seconds to sign. It would be great if you could also have your spouse sign it too! Feel free to share this with other Fairfax County friends, coworkers, neighbors, etc. The school board votes in 2 weeks and we're hoping to double the number of signatures we have!

We believe that this is an issue of equity and fairness in education and are in the process of lobbying the School Board and Board of Supervisors to begin funding full day kindergarten at more elementary schools.   The press is very interested in this movement, we have received interest from the Washington Post, WTOP radio, News Channel 9, The Connection, and the Patch. You can learn more about us at here on our website.

Please let me know if you have any questions or would like to become involved.  We are having a summit January 18th at 730pm at the Fairfax City library.  If you'd like to attend, please rsvp to  Thanks in advance for your time and support!

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